Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Unsigned Hype: The Uncanny

The Uncanny appeared in the May 1992 issue of Unsigned Hype in The Source. The trio was from Wynnefield, Philadelphia, and consisted of Mixelplics, Pizazz and the G-oker. The group's greatest claim to fame was that Mixelplics would say "whole sentences backwards: "Can ya understand? / stand under-ya can". His entire style was a reference to the Superman villain Mister Mxzyzptlk, who could only be stopped by getting him to say or spell his name backwards. The column writer notes, "the concept should definitely get over with hip hop heads who are into comics". Apparently the group did not get over with any label executives, as the group never released anything commercially.

The most crazy thing about The Uncanny, however, is their producer. The group's demo tape was produced by ""Beat Prodigy" Kelo", who, of course, is the same Kelo who went on to produce four tracks on The Roots' classic Illadelph Halflife and "Cold Blooded" by Common. It was real surprising to see that a producer whose work I am familiar with get a name-check in an article about a group that never gained fame.

Edit: Digital Stimulation let me know that a demo by the group surfaced in 2016. It has a strong early-1990s sound to it (definitely 1991 or 1992). It even features Mixelplics' reverse rapping style towards the end.


  1. Probably a day late and a dollar short on this response. Had always wanted to hear this one, then I saw somebody selling the demo on eBay a couple summers ago. There were a few clips included. Not bad, had a very 1991 sound. Looks like somebody uploaded the clips to Youtube.

    1. Wow, great find. Will add to the article. Thank you.

  2. It’s a shame labels were so scared back then. The beats and rhymes were way ahead of the time and could’ve changed the landscape of hip hop for beats and rhymes back then. Labels had too many A&R’s who depended on signing artist who were affiliated with groups who were already established. Philly artist suffered big time because of this!

  3. My man G-oker just passed away this month. Making Hip-Hop till the end.

  4. R.I.P G-oker your Contributions to hip hop and your legacy will forever be remembered
