Thursday, November 3, 2016

Unsigned Hype: Puppets of Chaos

Puppets of Chaos were featured in the Unsigned Hype column of the July 1992 The Source issue. Skrib, Sckala and 7 Zark 7 were from the New York boroughs of Brooklyn, Harlem and Queens respectively, and have "let the 'strings' of chaos move them towards the burning nucleus of hip hop culture". Out of all of the Unsigned Hype columns I've read so far, the Puppets have the feat of having the demo tape I wish to hear the most, with their track titles of "Make You Wanna Smack Your Mother" and "I Wore a Three Piece Timberland Suit to the Bar Mitzvah" being stuff of my dreams.

The Puppets' only release as a group was the 1995 single "Tru Dat"/"New & Improved" on Pro-Amp Entertainment, and it sounds a lot more sane than the content the group were earning praise for in their Unsigned Hype write-up. However, the songs still sound real tight, and have a nice mid-1990s NY sound to them. Only Skrib and Sckala are credited as writing the song, suggesting that 7 Zark 7 was no longer a member of the group at this time. Another cool thing I noticed is that the song "New & Improved" features "kuts by Rob Swift", and is one of the earliest appearances of a dude who would go on to be renowned for his scratched hooks.

1995: "Tru Dat"
1995: "New & Improved"

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